Do you stay in Winter-Peg or do you head south for the season?
If you take a winter vacation or not, protecting your home from the harsh winter weather is vital to the health and overall sustainability of your Winnipeg home.
This years Winnipeg winter seems to be an anomaly as Environment Canada is saying our winter should have above normal temperatures due to an El Nino. Well, in that case we may not need to take the trip to Mexico after-all.
When it comes to people surviving the winter we would probably suggest things such as wearing layers of clothing, wear a toque or hat, and keep your feet warm. In fact we will probably take it one step further and mention some of our historical facts about our Winnipeg winter weather, such as;
- Winnipeg is one of the coldest cities on earth
- Winnipeg is one of the sunniest cities across Canada
- Long john's and onsies are our fancy winter wear
- Winter builds character
When it comes to talking about our homes surviving the winter weather we hear that many crank the thermostat to 30+ degrees Celsius and take the rest for granted. So here are a few suggestions of making a New Year's resolution to pamper our Winnipeg homes this winter.
- Keep the inside temperatures reasonable around 20 degrees. This not only saves you hundreds of dollars in heating expenses but your central heating system will work more efficiently and happy it doesn't have to work overtime that it might last longer too.
- Control the humidity levels. Humidity levels should be above 20% and definitely below 40% during the winter. Anything above can cause possible mould growth and airborne diseases become more prevalent. When you see static electricity, or experience sore throats, or you have frosty windows, it's safe bet you have too much humidity.
- Keep the cold air out and the warm air in. A tell tale sign is ice damming. If you are experiencing this, it is best you invest in insulating your attic. Don't forget about the MB Hydro rebates. MB Hydro eligibility.
- Draft-proof your doors and windows. Insulated homes are more energy efficient and play a major part in lowering your monthly heating expenses. Do a walk around your home and check your windows and doors for drafts. Manitoba Hydro suggests using a lit incense stick to the window frame and the smoke will indicate a need for caulking. MB Hydro draft-proofing your home.
- Control air drafts. Places to look for drafts are; the attic entry, exhaust fans and vent(s), service entry point(s) from cable company, baseboards, floor drains, possible foundation cracks, electrical outlets, the chimney or flue, fireplace dampers and bricks, and windows and doors. If you do encounter air drafts it is best to choose the right sealant for the job, or give us a call if you are not comfortable doing this yourself.
Whatever your furnace needs are, On Time Group contractors are A+ BBB rated, professionally trained and certified, reputable Winnipeg contractors available 24/7 for all your residential and commercial furnace repairs, cleanings, and installations.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter where we will share home improvement tips and coupons to save money for your Winnipeg home. Also, don’t forget to tune in weekly to Ty’s radio show CJOB – Ty Knows A Guy.
For all of your electric, plumbing and heating service needs, connect with us today by calling 204-774-1474 or completing our online form.